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Tiered Quality Rating and Improvement System (TQRIS)

This valiation study of North Carolina's tiered quality rating and improvement system (TQRIS) included two phases. Phase I involved collection of web surveys, focus groups, and interviews, as well as use of existing data. Alternative TQRIS models were developed using all collected data and available information to guide Phase II of NC’s TQRIS validation. Phase II involved the conduct of classroom observations, director interviews, teacher surveys, parent surveys, and child assessments to examine whether the test model developed in Phase I was related to program and classroom quality and to child outcomes. Findings will inform possible revisions to NC's TQRIS.


Funding Agency:  

North Carolina Division of Child Development

Funding Period:  

01/01/2013 to 06/30/2016

Award Amount:  



Noreen M. Yazejian, Principal Investigator
Ximena Franco-Jenkins, Co-Principal Investigator
Jenille Adams Morgan, Project Coordinator