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Brief Report: Attention Patterns to Non-Social Stimuli and Associations With Sensory Features in Autistic Children

Chen, Y.-J., Harrop, C., Sabatos-DeVito, M., Bulluck, J., Belger, A., & Baranek, G. T.

From the highlights: This study examined attention to non-social stimuli that varied in salience and complexity using eye-tracking. Children generally looked at moving or spinning objects with fewer fixations of longer duration (i.e., faciliatory effect). The facilitatory effect of stimulus properties was overall less evident in DD compared to ASD and NT groups. Visual attention and sensory features were found to have a unique connection in ASD, but not in DD and NT groups.


Chen, Y.-J., Harrop, C., Sabatos-DeVito, M., Bulluck, J., Belger, A., & Baranek, G. T. (2022). Brief report: attention patterns to non-social stimuli and associations with sensory features in autistic children. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Volume 98, October 2022, 102035. DOI: 10.1016/j.rasd.2022.102035

