an invited article for "EducationNC"
Excerpt: "If we are to become a thoroughly evidence-based education system in North Carolina, then we must take on certain habits of the mind and habits of the community that lead to implementing effective programming and improving practice based on evaluation evidence. Important habits of mind are essentially habits of inquiry that lead to knowing something with reasonable certainty. These habits include frequently asking why we are doing what we are doing, what effect is it having on student learning, and how do we know..."
Available here: EducationNC
Related reading: Implementing Educational Innovations at Scale:
Transforming Researchers Into Continuous Improvement Scientists
Kainz, K. (2015, June 1). Building trust to implement evidence-based education. EducationNC. Retrieved from https://www.ednc.org/2015/06/01/building-trust-to-implement-evidence-based-education/