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Center for Trauma Recovery and Juvenile Justice NCTSN Cat II

Area(s) of Work: Child Welfare

The Active Implementation Support for the Center for Trauma Recovery and Juvenile Justice’s (CTRJJ) grant project designates Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute’s resources in support of the CTRJJ’s Workplan and Core Team, in addition to other key participants. The aims of the project include the use of applied, proactive implementation support training, coaching and technical assistance as noted below. The primary role on the implementation support to CRTJJ is to work behind the scenes with all designated relevant partners. However, FPG implementation specialists will have the ability to deliver content, coaching, and ongoing systems supports to relevant recipients.

Overall Project Goals
Goal 1: Increase the capacity of mental health providers nationally to adopt, adapt, and deliver evidence based and culturally responsive trauma informed services to JJIY and JJAR.  
Goal 2: Increase access by traumatized JJIY/JJAR nationally to trauma-informed JJ services and EBTTs by enhancing training, technical assistance, and core faculty implementation science application/use capacities
 Goal 3:  Increase the effectiveness/sustainability of providers’ implementation of trauma-informed services and Evidence Based Trauma Treatments (EBTTs) in JJ and related systems nationally by developing and disseminating curricula for the core skills needed for the training and delivery of these services.

FPG’s implementation support for the project will provide the following:

  • For TI-READY: assist CRTJJ faculty to provide updates and content for work products and training resources
  • For TI-PREP: work with CTRJJ faculty to review the Trauma-Informed Juvenile Court Self-Assessment (TI-JCSA) and provide implementation science guidance on both training and process elements to build into our support for jurisdictions completing the TI-JCSA. And as a needs assessment and strategic planning document, sharing input about the document and planning process to include ways to effectively engage leadership and work within and across teaming structures.
  • For TI-ATTAIN: work with key CTRJJ faculty to devise a leadership engagement and training model on key implementation science principles and processes to use with jurisdictions who have completed the TI-JCSA and moved to engage with CTRJJ faculty to train and implement supported evidence-based practices. Apply implementation science best practices to inform critical training elements/processes known to be necessary in promoting successful implementation and sustainment of a practice over time.
  • For all directed/required activities, inform and assist in the development and provision of adult learning/technical assistance products where tasked, characterized by features of dissemination and implementation science best practices – this support shall occur in practices / processes requested by the Core Team.
  • Participate in evaluation and quality improvement process activities throughout the project.  



Funding Agency:  

University of Connecticut Health Center

Funding Period:  

12/31/2022 to 09/29/2025

Award Amount:  



Robert (Robin) H. Jenkins, Principal Investigator
Lena Harris, Implementation Specialist