Child Welfare

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Child welfare is a continuum of services designed to ensure that children are safe and that families have the necessary support to care for children successfully. These services are provided by a range of entities; public child welfare agencies often collaborate with private agencies, community-based organizations, and other public agencies to ensure that families receive the services they need, such as supportive child care, parenting classes, in-home family preservation services, mental health services, and substance abuse treatment. FPG's work in child welfare encompasses biological, environmental, and other factors related to ensuring the safety and well-being of children and families.

Featured FPG News Story

The research and translation of empirical findings of FPG Faculty Fellow Dorothy Espelage, PhD—a leading expert on addressing teenage domestic violence, bullying, and student well-being—have resulted in a plethora of interventions, policies and laws protecting young people and making schools safer. Learn more about her work.

Featured Project

The multi-level implementation supports for Triple P team within the Impact Center at FPG is currently supporting the scale-up and expansion of the Triple P System of Interventions in North Carolina. The team embedded in the NC Triple P Support System will provide direct implementation support to nine NC Triple P regions to aid and support local, regional, and state partners’ scale-up of Triple P.

Featured Person

Sherra Lawrence, MA, is an implementation specialist at FPG. She is leading projects and initiatives to improve the access and quality of programs, policies, and practices for children and families, especially those that have been marginalized. Her work also focuses on family and community engagement and the use of data and evidence-building activities to address social determinants and ensure equitable implementation of programs, practices, and policies for all.

Current Projects

This project aims to capitalize upon current intermediary organization functions provided to partners and projects supported by The Impact Center at Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, including (1) the Implementation support for Triple P – Positive Parenting Program in the Carolinas and (2) the Rural Church Summer Literacy Initiative.
This multi-year project, in partnership with Erikson Institute and the University of Delaware, seeks to understand how best to value, compensate, and authentically integrate the family child care (FCC) workforce and approach in future efforts to build and expand more equitable PreK systems. This project will involve focus groups, surveys, and case studies to understand how FCC is being integrated into PreK efforts.
The Active Implementation Support for the Center for Trauma Recovery and Juvenile Justice’s (CTRJJ) grant project designates Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute’s resources in support of the CTRJJ’s Workplan and Core Team, in addition to other key participants. The aims of the project include the use of applied, proactive implementation support training, coaching and technical assistance as noted below. The primary role on the implementation support to CRTJJ is to work behind the scenes with all designated relevant partners. However, FPG implementation specialists will have the ability to deliver content, coaching, and ongoing systems supports to relevant recipients.
This model demonstration seeks to increase family uptake of developmental screenings and service enrollment of traditionally underserved populations by centering family and cultural voice throughout the implementation process.
The multi-level implementation supports for Triple P team within the Impact Center at Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute is currently supporting the scale-up and expansion of the Triple P System of Interventions in North Carolina. For this project, the team embedded in the NC Triple P Support System will provide direct implementation support to nine NC Triple P regions to aid and support local, regional, and state partners’ scale-up of Triple P.
Through the OJJDP FY 2021 Juvenile Justice Reform Initiative, the Impact Center at the UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute (subcontractor and partner) will support Westat as the prime applicant, along with other project partners, to advance state level juvenile justice systems toward the adoption and delivery of evidence-supported practices stemming from a full system review, recommended modifications, capacity building where needed (or desired), and enhanced performance of chosen reforms.
The aim of this research project is to investigate the relationships among housing stability, health and well-being, and climate change vulnerability. Findings will be shared with our community-both with people who experience homelessness and housing instability and with organizations and agencies working to serve those populations. The goal is that the research findings will advance racial and economic justice, not just in Orange and Durham Counties, but throughout the United States. As a nonprofit working toward systems change, these findings will influence the day-to-day programmatic work that CEF does and help to influence how CEF can use its person-centered approach while simultaneously steering members toward specific measures that increase stability.
This project builds on the existing partnership that the Impact Center has with the DHHS Child Behavioral Health team. The partnership creates an implementation science, practice-based set of activities and capacity building efforts in support of a multi-tiered policy/governance, program (e.g., EBP) support, and delivery system across North Carolina. Beginning July 01, 2024, the Impact Center will continue to work alongside and receive directions from Division of Child and Family Well-Being (DCFW) leadership, embed implementation science best practices within the team, its projects, and support system partners where directed.