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Systematic Review of Literature on Early Childhood Education

This project involves a rigorous systematic review of literature on early childhood education to identify: (1) approaches and/or interventions that have demonstrated success, (2) the degree to which these approaches have been adopted by various systems, (3) if not, reasons that these approaches have not been adopted, (4) conditions under which these approaches can be implemented to fidelity, and (5) effective practices that philanthropy has already engaged to address these areas. A review of the literature will be completed and a list of articles and publications will be identified. A team of researchers at FPG will code a set of articles every week. Ten percent of the articles will be double-coded for reliability purposes. A coded collection of relevant resources will be provided to the funders at the conclusion of the project.


Funding Agency:  

Foundation Center

Funding Period:  

02/07/2018 to 12/31/2018

Award Amount:  



Sandra L. Soliday Hong, Principal Investigator
Noreen M. Yazejian, Co-Principal Investigator
Ximena Franco-Jenkins, Senior Research Scientist