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Dear Friends of FPG

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Dear Friends of FPG

September 24, 2018

Dear Friends of FPG,

It is with great sorrow that we have lived through the devastating effects of hurricane Florence, which left a trail of widespread damage in its path. For many decades, the UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute has considered many of our communities as extended family, often working with your children and families for decades, watching them grow. As with all natural disasters impacting close relatives, our Institute feels the loss and trauma that has impacted your communities.

The mission of our Institute is to improve the lives of all children, and their families, especially those impacted by trying times and experiences. Through our interaction with your communities we have witnessed your strength and resilience, and have learned with you ways to build on these strengths.

In the coming weeks, we will remain committed to all our communities, and to working with teachers, health care practitioners, and community workers to provide support and services to assist our children as they go through this challenging experience. Many of our FPG investigators and staff live and work in communities across North Carolina, and along with the entire University of North Carolina community, are ready to reach out and assist children and families who have experienced devastating losses.

While the impacts of this hurricane are ongoing, FPG remains committed to working with your families and our community partners to dampen the impact of this tragedy on your children through our outreach and service.

Warm Regards on behalf of our entire FPG Community,

Ayse Belger