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Tamara Robertson

Tamara Robertson

Tamara Robertson

Implementation Specialist
Spangler, Room 223

Biographical Statement 

Tamara Robertson, MPH, CHES® is a child welfare support specialist with the Implementation Capacity for Triple P (ICTP) projects, Impact Center at Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute (FPG), UNC-Chapel Hill. She also fills the role of DSS Triple P coordinator within the NC Triple P System and working closely with Triple P leaders in the Division of Social Services, NC DHHS. Prior to joining FPG, Tamara came from CAI Global, Inc. where she provided technical assistance (TA) to HRSA funded jurisdictions to End the HIV Epidemic (EHE) through systems change and the implementation of innovative strategies within system of care networks. Tamara previously worked with SHIFT NC as a program manager for the Every Teen Counts Initiative where she provided capacity-building, TA, and training to youth-serving professionals within the foster care and juvenile justice systems to support and implement an evidence-based sexuality education program. Tamara has over 6 years of technical assistance, capacity-building and systems change experience, and has strong roots in community-based adolescent sexual reproductive health education.