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Georgia's Pre-K: Evaluation study of quality rated language and literacy endorsement

In support of efforts related to Georgia’s Quality Rated Language and Literacy Endorsement (QRLLE), we will collect information on the degree to which the Endorsement helps programs to improve their language and literacy practices, and information to advise next steps in the development and rollout of the Endorsement. This study will involve data collection, analyses, and reporting on the QRLLE related to practices observed during the upcoming school year (2023-24). The study will take place during the 2023-2024 school year and will be divided into three phases:

  1. August 2023-September 2023: Preparation of data collection measures, IRB application, data collector hiring, observation refresher training, recruitment and scheduling classroom observations;
  2. October 2023-December 2023: classroom observations and data cleaning; and
  3. January 2023-June 30, 2024: prepare report to summarize quality data and describe QRLLE programs and alignment with the LITTLE Program, convene a national expert panel on language and literacy endorsements, and summarize information gathered about QRLLE programs, endorsements nationally, and recommendations for next steps for the QRLLE.


Funding Agency:  

Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning

Funding Period:  

08/01/2023 to 11/30/2025

Award Amount:  



Sandra L. Soliday Hong, Principal Investigator
Paige Bowden, Account Manager
Judith L. Owen, Expert Data Collector
Jada F. Walker, Project Coordinator