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OJJDP Juvenile Justice System Enhancements

OJJDP Juvenile Justice System Enhancements is a three-year broad systems improvement project. It is designed to advance state level juvenile justice systems toward the adoption and delivery of evidence-supported practices stemming from a full system review, recommended modifications, capacity building where needed (or desired), and enhanced performance of chosen reforms. The Impact Center at FPG Child Development Institute is well-positioned to support state level leadership, administrative, and management teams in achieving shared accomplishments. The Impact Center's contributions to the project include the use of applied, proactive implementation support training, coaching, and technical assistance to:

  1. Foster awareness and grow knowledge and skills for state leaders about what it takes to fully support RFK Probation System review reforms using best practices from applied implementation science
  2. With state leadership, co-examine the existing Nebraska JJ system infrastructures to map the governance, support, and program delivery opportunities for organizational changes and improvements that can support RFK review generated reforms
  3. Co-create statewide infrastructures to support RFK JJ probation system reforms within the context and resources available in Nebraska over the next 3 years, with an eye towards building policy, program, or practice innovation sustainability through these new or evolved infrastructure and capacity components
  4. Provide on-site and virtual team-based, adult-learning and coaching relative to applying active implementation support best practices (at system governance, system support, and program delivery levels) in service to the RFK PS identified/prioritized reforms
  5. Support action groups and/or work teams via proactive and responsive coaching and problem solving to facilitate the application of active implementation support best practices for chosen RFK PS identified/prioritized reforms


Funding Agency:  

Nebraska Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation

Funding Period:  

10/01/2020 to 09/30/2025

Award Amount:  



Barbara M. Lowery, Program Assistant
Robert (Robin) H. Jenkins, Principal Investigator