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ICF and ICF-CY Lessons Learned: Pandora's Box of Personal Factors

Simeonsson, R. J., Lollar, D., Bjorck-Akesson, E., Granlund, M., Brown, S. C., Zhuoying, Q., Gray, D., & Pan, Y.

From the abstract: "The 'personal factors' component in the ICF/ICF-CY is not defined, there is no taxonomy of codes, there is no explicit purpose stated for its use and no guidelines are provided for its application. In spite of these constraints, the component of 'personal factors' is being applied as part of the classifications. Such uncontrolled applications constitute significant risks for the status of ICF/ICF-CY as the WHO reference classification in that: (a) the component is accepted for use by default simply by being applied; (b) component content is expanded with idiosyncratic exemplars by users; and (c) there is potential misuse of 'personal factors' in documenting personal attributes, including 'blaming the victim'... In the absence of formal codes, any application of the component of 'personal factors' lacks the legitimacy that documentation with a scientific taxonomy should provide..."


Simeonsson, R. J., Lollar, D., Bjorck-Akesson, E., Granlund, M., Brown, S. C., Zhuoying, Q., . . . Pan, Y. (2014). ICF and ICF-CY lessons learned: Pandora's box of personal factors. Disability and Rehabilitation, 36, 2187-2194.

