This document provides an example of a state that decided to implement a family cost participation (FCP) program to improve the fiscal component of their Part C early intervention service system. The example state has 9 state agencies participating in the administrative structure of Part C. There is a State Directors' Management Team representing these 9 state agencies that oversees the implementation of Part C in the state in collaboration with the Lead Agency. Five of the 9 state agencies provide direct services through their local counterparts. After conducting the Framework Self-Assessment, the state self-assessment team, comprised of Part C staff, decided that improving the Finance system was a priority for the state. They explored Quality Indicator 1, and based on fiscal mapping that had previously occurred, the state identified that family cost participation (FCP) might be a feasible additional revenue source. A cost benefit analysis of FCP would also be needed.
An Example of Improving the Finance System Component: Implementation of a Family Cost Participation Program in a Hypothetical State
Lucas, A., Hurth, J., & Kelley, G. (2015). Applying implementation science to state system change: An example of improving the finance system component: Implementation of a family cost participation program in a hypothetical state. Retrieved from