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Anne L. Lucas

Anne L. Lucas

Anne L. Lucas

Technical Assistance Specialist


Occupational Therapy,
Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University
Sociology and Anthropology,
Susquehanna University

Biographical Statement 

Anne Lucas, MS, is a Technical Assistance Specialist with the Early Childhood Technical Assistance (ECTA) Center within the Trohanis Technical Assistance Projects and with the Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems (DaSy). She provides technical assistance to Early Intervention/Part C and Preschool Special Education/Section 619 Programs nationwide. Her TA focuses on promoting system change efforts around such topics as accountability and quality improvement, early intervention services including early childhood transition, and finance. Anne has over 40 years of experience in early intervention and early childhood special education as an occupational therapist providing early intervention and early childhood services, an early intervention program administrator, a state Part C Coordinator, and a national technical assistance provider.