This document provides an example of a state that determined there was a need for statewide rules for the Part C early intervention system. This decision was made after conducting the Framework Self-Assessment ( The self-assessment team, which included the Part C coordinator and other Part C staff, identified that within the Governance component, Subcomponent 2: Legal Foundations, Quality Indicator GV2: needed work. There were no state rules, only procedures and guidance that were continually challenged by regional programs. It was felt that state rules would help to provide more enforceable authority and oversight to bring about consistency in program design and delivery of services. The self-assessment team proposed the development of state rules for the Part C system. Leadership in the lead agency agreed and gave approval for the rules to be developed.
An Example of Improving the Governance System Component: Promulgating State Rules in a Hypothetical State
Pletcher, L., & Walsh, S. (2015). Applying implementation science to state system change: An example of improving the governance system component: Promulgating state rules in a hypothetical state. Retrieved from