This issue series focused on Black families and babies is funded by the Pritzker Children’s Initiative and is a collaborative effort between the Equity Research Action Coalition at the UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute and Child Trends. This series is focused on identifying the strengths-based programs and policies that support the well-being of Black families and their babies.
Across the series, we take the position that Black families are better supported when there is an intentional and strategic focus on designing systems and implementing programs, interventions, and strategies that build on and attend to the cultural assets and strengths of Black families. This series is borne out of this perspective.
Iruka, I. U., Sims, J., & Forte, A. (2021). Black parents and their babies: Attending to the first 1,000 days. Chapel Hill, NC: Equity Research Action Coalition at the UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute.