The first half of this webinar presents national data on Part C Indicator 4, including performance trends and data quality. The second half of the webinar highlights the NC Infant-Toddler Program’s work on changing their Indicator 4 measurement system and improving data quality. State strategies included utilizing multiple stakeholder process, updating training, monitoring data quality, and evaluating changes. (57 minutes)
Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center, & Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems. (2017, October 30). Family survey highlights FFY 2015 [Webinar]. Retrieved from http://unc-fpg-cdi.adobeconnect.com/pl354fbhns79/?OWASP_CSRFTOKEN=b9017edb432de3f0b2cc01b37291a46d61cadaa0b3e11cd233d7cf2461a5782c