The DaSy Center assists state agencies in creating, expanding, or improving early childhood cross-agency and longitudinal data systems. The data systems will enhance state capacity to collect, analyze, and report high-quality data required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and allow states to examine how their public investments result in better outcomes for children and families.
Funded by the Office of Special Education Programs in the U.S. Department of Education, the DaSy Center is operated by SRI in collaboration with the University of North Carolina's Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, Applied Engineering Management (AEM), Westat, and Center for Technology in Education (CTE) at Johns Hopkins University. Work focuses on
- Knowledge development: The DaSy Center is conducting a needs assessment to identify the current status of state efforts to develop coordinated early childhood longitudinal data systems. Center staff also will partner with a small set of states to develop a framework that identifies critical components and processes for effective data systems.
- Technical assistance and dissemination: The DaSy Center provides a continuum of general, targeted, and intensive technical assistance (TA) and dissemination activities that support coordinated early childhood longitudinal data systems. Activities include hosting national meetings, conducting topical meetings or Think Tanks on key issue areas, convening national conference calls, maintaining a website, forming and supporting communities of practice, and developing online, print, and video training materials. The Center will work individually with states on issues related to data systems including providing intensive TA to 10 states.
- Leadership and coordination: The DaSy Center will receive input about its work from a steering group made up of key stakeholders with interest in early childhood data systems. The Center also coordinates regularly with other national projects and organizations about early childhood data systems.
Funding Agency:
SRI International
Funding Period:
12/01/2019 to 09/30/2025
Award Amount:
Funding Agency:
SRI International
Funding Period:
12/03/2012 to 10/31/2019
Award Amount:
Katy McCullough, Principal Investigator
Deborah A. Cate, Technical Assistance Specialist
Anne L. Lucas, Technical Assistance Specialist
Kellen Reid, Technical Assistance Specialist
Laura E. Curtis, Project Coordinator
Cherie R. Bartell, Applications Analyst
Alexander M. Lazara, Applications Analyst