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Self-Regulation Skills for Success

The Self-Regulation Skills for Success Study (SRSS) is an Institute of Education Sciences funded randomized controlled trial of the Incredible Years© child group treatment program with supplemental intervention supports including recess coaching, teacher consultation and training, and parent education meetings. This program was developed for delivery within clinics to young children with diagnoses of ADHD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Our study is evaluating its efficacy as delivered in schools to first and second graders identified with significant self-regulation difficulties including hyperactivity, impulsivity, and aggressive behavior. The intervention is provided conjointly with school counselors in twice weekly small group meetings with hands-on activities designed to build skills related to academic engagement, emotional literacy, problem solving, and friendship skills. The evaluation consists of classroom observations, video-recorded direct child assessments, and teacher survey data that are collected at the beginning and end of the school year as well as at 6 month follow up during the next school year. Over the course of the four year study, approximately 200 early elementary students will participate across 15-20 schools. The following research questions will be addressed using mixed linear modeling with an intent to treat approach:

1. What is the efficacy of SRSS with regard to inhibitory control and social-emotional skills (proximal), social-emotional and academic competence and disruptive behavior (intermediate), and ecologically-valid educational outcomes, e.g. discipline referrals and special education services (distal).

2. To what extent are any intervention benefits maintained into the next school year (6 month follow up)?

3. To what extent does which teacher management style moderate the efficacy of the intervention?


Funding Agency:  

U.S. Department of Education

Funding Period:  

07/01/2015 to 06/30/2019

Award Amount:  



Alyson M. Baumgartner, Research Scientist