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WCSS Participatory Research Project

The research team will consult with Wake County Smart Start (WCSS) to support a WCSS-led participatory research project that will lead to the development of WCSS strategic plan community driven outcomes. Following with their strategic plan priorities of equity, family engagement and leadership and data informed decision making, WCSS would like to develop community driven outcomes through a participatory research project.

The project will collaborate and share power with families and community members in the development of outcomes that measure WCSS’s success in meeting their strategic plan goals.

The project will be co-designed, co-facilitated and collaboratively analyzed and disseminated by community and family co-investigators. The project team will provide research consultation on:
•    A design that shares power with community and family co-investigators;
•    development of research tool(s);
•    training community and family co-investigators to build their capacity around participatory research methods;
•    the collaborative analysis and dissemination of the data; and
•    the creation of community-driven outcomes based on the analysis.


Funding Agency:  

Wake County Smart Start

Funding Period:  

02/01/2023 to 02/29/2024

Award Amount:  



Adis Liy, Research Coordinator
Iheoma U. Iruka, Co-Principal Investigator
Allison C. De Marco, Principal Investigator