Through the Vermont FirstSchool Partnership, FirstSchool staff at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will help educators in Vermont make substantial gains in understanding and implementing the content and process of the FirstSchool approach to transforming PreK-3rd grade. The Vermont Agency of Education, FirstSchool, and three to five school communities will participate in Vermont’s three-year PreK-3 pilot project. Pilot school communities will receive support on PreK-3 aligned practices and data literacy from FirstSchool. The Vermont Agency of Education will provide training on the new Vermont Early Learning Standards (VELS) (infants through grade 3), the expanded PreK-3 Teaching Strategies GOLD, EduSnap, and CLASS. FirstSchool will offer a four day summer institute in Vermont in the summer of 2015, 2016, and 2017. In addition, FirstSchool staff will visit Vermont five times per year beginning in the fall of 2015 for coaching visits at the leadership team schools or in school districts and for meetings with the state planning committee for the PreK-3 Pilot. FirstSchool will provide written reports after each institute and coaching visit. In year 2, FirstSchool will offer an online course to district instructional leaders and all the PreK-3 teachers, assistant teachers, principals, and early childhood directors within the supervisory unions containing the selected school communities. FirstSchool will consult on the development of an instrument to measure change in participants’ knowledge of developmental science, brain research, and protective factors. The Vermont Agency of Education will pilot, administer, and manage data collected from the instrument.
Vermont FirstSchool Partnership
Vermont Agency of Education
11/01/2014 to 06/30/2015
Vermont Agency of Education
07/01/2015 to 06/30/2017
Adam L. Holland, Co-Principal Investigator
Gisele M. Crawford, Social Research Specialist
Barbara M. Lowery, Program Assistant