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Jani Kozlowski

Jani Kozlowski

Jani Kozlowski

Technical Assistance Specialist

Biographical Statement 

Jani Kozlowski, MA, is a Technical Assistance Specialist with the Early Childhood TA (ECTA) Center within the Trohanis Technical Assistance (TA) Projects. She provides technical assistance to Early Intervention/Part C and Preschool Special Education/619 Coordinators in states supporting system change in topics such as early childhood inclusion, professional development, family engagement and collaborative partnerships. Previously, Jani served as the Inclusion Coordinator for the Office of Head Start-funded National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching and Learning at Zero to Three. She also provided technical assistance to support Early Head Start – Child Care Partnerships and State Professional Development Systems as part of her work with two other national TA centers. During her time working at the state level in North Carolina, Jani was the Program & Policy Resources Section Chief at the Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE) and supported early education initiatives for Smart Start across the state. While at DCDEE, Jani led efforts to align policy decisions across all sections within the agency, including regulatory policy, subsidy policy, and workforce development policy, and provided oversight for initiatives funded through the Child Care and Development Fund. She has also provided technical assistance for Head Start programs at the regional level, served as the Education and Disability Services Coordinator for a large Migrant Head Start program, and began her work in the field as a teacher in an inclusive Pre-K classroom. She is the author of the books Every Child Can Fly: An Early Childhood Educator's Guide to Inclusion and Empowering Your Child to Fly: Working Together to Foster Inclusion.