The Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA) will continue to support state and local capacity-building to improve and sustain equitable systems that support access by, and full participation of, young children with disabilities across early childhood programs to provide equitable access to effective IDEA services that reflect evidence-based and culturally and linguistically responsive interventions to improve outcomes for each and every child with a disability and their family. The Center will address five key intended outcomes: (1) increased capacity of State and local early childhood systems, (2) increased capacity of State Part C and Section 619 programs to improve and sustain State systems, (3) increased capacity of State C and Section 619 programs to include implementation supports within their State systems to support local programs, (4) increased capacity of States and local early childhood IDEA programs to engage with families and other stakeholders to develop policies and implement practices to address factors that influence disparities in outcomes, and (5) increased knowledge, skills, and competencies of early childhood system administrators, including State Part C and Section 619 administrators, to lead systemic improvement efforts.