The purpose of this document is to support states and local programs in understanding the Least Restrictive Environments (LRE) provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), making appropriate placements within the required continuum, and providing services and supports to preschool aged children with disabilities.
The included table provides reference points from the legal requirements of IDEA, comments from the regulations, subsequent clarification provided by the federal Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), and resources published by OSEP-funded projects. The reference points are organized by topic, with their source and discussion prompts to consider. The Discussion Prompts can be used by states to gauge the status of state and local guidance and resources, and to encourage discussion of attitudes regarding LRE. They are intended to be solution focused, promoting ideas and potential strategies to further support and/or facilitate IEP team decisions regarding LRE and placement options for individual children.