Deborah A. Cate
Area(s) of Work
Biographical Statement
Debbie Cate, MS, is a technical assistance specialist with the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute (FPG) at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC). Her work within the Trohanis Technical Assistance Projects is with the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA) and the Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems (DaSy). Her current work supports states in their provision of early childhood special education services in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for children ages birth through grade three and their families. Past work as a classroom teacher, private practitioner, and state 619 coordinator have contributed to her extensive experience in developing and implementing state systems and processes to provide effective IDEA preschool services, evaluating and monitoring state and local systems leading to improved results, defining and using state data to inform practice and process, and in strategic state planning to enhance comprehensive early childhood systems, all to support positive outcomes for young children and their families.