From the introduction: "Curriculum adoption and implementation is not a onetime event for districts and schools. It is a multi-year process involving district leadership in multiple units (e.g., curriculum office, finance office, superintendent office, student services), school leadership, instructional staff, students and their caregivers, and other relevant community partners. When the process is done well, it supports districts in building a coherent instructional system and achieving their instructional vision to ultimately support improved student academic achievement. To guide the adoption and implementation process, the Active Implementation Framework of Implementation Stages (Fixsen & Blase, 2020) can be used. The Implementation Stages framework outlines a non-linear, multi-year dynamic process with specific activities and strategies needed at different times within the process."
Ward, C., Nacik, E., Perkins, Y., & Kennedy, S. (2024). Effective implementation of high-quality math curriculum and instruction. National Implementation Research Network, UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute. Retrieved from: