When children are referred to Part C as they are approaching age 3, there are different program and reporting requirements for the IDEA Part C and Part B programs depending on the child’s age. The Part C requirements for these late referrals vary for three distinct ranges of days before the child’s third birthday: referred less than 45 days, referred and determined eligible between 46 and 90 days, and determined eligible between 91 and 135 days. This chart illustrates the requirements, roles and responsibilities of the Parts C and B programs within a time period, and within each program, across the three time periods. The chart's information is based on the IDEA 2004 statute, the 2011 IDEA Part C regulations and the 2006 IDEA Part B regulations that relate to transition and child find, and the OSEP Early Childhood Transition FAQs on SPP/APR indicators C-8 and B-12 released December 1, 2009.
Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. (2018). Federal IDEA Part C & Part B transition requirements for late referrals. Retrieved from http://ectacenter.org/topics/transition/osep.asp