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Tracey A. West

Tracey A. West

Tracey A. West

Education Consultant

Academic Affiliation 

Adjunct Assistant Professor
School of Education


Early Childhood, Families and Literacy,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Early Intervention and Family Support,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Area(s) of Work

Biographical Statement 

Tracey West, PhD, is an education consultant at FPG. West's research and professional interests focus on the areas of inclusion, early childhood, and professional development. Previously as an FPG advanced technical assistance specialist, West was principal investigator for Supporting Change and Reform in Pre-Service Teaching in North Carolina (SCRIPT-NC), a project partnering with community college faculty in NC to enhance their program of studies in order to better prepare early childhood professionals to work with children with disabilities as well as those who are culturally and linguistically diverse, with whom she currently works. West also coordinated the National Professional Development Center on Inclusion (NPDCI), a national center focused on promoting cross-agency state systems of high quality professional development to support inclusion.