The Impact Center at FPG's Implementation Capacity for Triple P (ICTP) projects are currently supporting the scale-up and expansion of Triple P System of Interventions in North and South Carolina. Through this project, the ICTP teams embedded in each state’s Triple P Support System, will provide direct implementation support to ten NC Triple P regions, three SC Triple P counties, Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina (PCANC), and Children’s Trust of South Carolina (CTSC) to aid and support local, regional, and state partners’ scale-up of Triple P. The ICTP team will continue collaborating with PCANC, CTSC, and Triple P America to align Triple P support systems so that multifaceted, yet well-coordinated supports are available to statewide partners. Furthermore, ICTP teams will continue providing implementation science guidance to the NC Triple P Partnership for Strategy and Governance (PSG) and the NC Triple P Learning Collaborative (NCLC) and continue supporting CTSC in their development of the SC Triple P Leadership Team and cross-county learning collaborative. Lastly, ICTP teams plan to develop online learning modules and other implementation support tools and communication products to facilitate greater application of implementation science and best practices for Triple P scale-up and continue to identify opportunities to enhance Triple P quality and outcome monitoring for improvement at community and state levels.