Home » Projects » NC Early Intervention Technical Assistance and Professional Development Support (NC EI-TAPS) Project

NC Early Intervention Technical Assistance and Professional Development Support (NC EI-TAPS) Project

The NC Early Intervention Branch in the NC Division of Public Health under the NC Department of Health and Human Services is responsible for managing and administering Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as monitored by the US Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). As part of that responsibility, the Early Intervention Branch is required to assure that the statewide system includes a comprehensive system of personnel development that provides supports, like training and technical assistance, to develop and improve the competency of staff implementing the Early Intervention program.

NC Early Intervention Technical Assistance and Professional Development Support (NC EI-TAPS) Project staff will:

  1. enhance and scale up the NC Early Intervention Branch statewide system of technical assistance support and professional development;
  1. assist NC Early Intervention Branch state office staff with developing and coordinating statewide technical assistance and professional development supports by coordinating, overseeing, and managing the work of this project, the NC Early Intervention Technical Assistance and Professional Development Support (EI-TAPS) Project;
  1. provide direct support to NC Early Intervention Branch Part C Coordinator and state office staff with planning and evaluation activities related to the deliverables by participating in meetings, committees, events, etc. and developing planning and evaluation tools and reports, as requested by NC Early Intervention Branch; and
  1. provide logistical support to NC Early Intervention Branch for deliverables, such as developing online registration systems and packaging materials for presentation and production.


Funding Agency:  

North Carolina Division of Public Health

Funding Period:  

10/01/2019 to 06/30/2020

Award Amount:  



Sherri Britt Williams, Principal Investigator
Kristine N. Earl, Technical Assistance Specialist
Anne L. Lucas, Technical Assistance Specialist
Christine D. Wagner, Technology Support Analyst