Phase III of the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) focuses on implementing and evaluating the SSIP that was developed with input from stakeholders during Phase II. This plan, which is based on the data and infrastructure analyses, theory of action, and coherent improvement strategies from Phase I, serves as the guide for SSIP implementation. Improvement strategies with associated activities are being implemented, and data are being collected to assess progress in implementing the SSIP and in determining improvements in outcomes for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families. Analyses of process and outcome data from Phase III-Year 1 will be used to inform modifications that will need to be made to the plan and reported on. Figure 1: SSIP Components illustrates the connections between the three phases of the SSIP, and Figure 2: SSIP Timelines specifies timelines for submitting required components for each phase of the SSIP.
This guide includes key considerations and resources to support states in implementing Phase III and evaluating implementation progress and outcomes. It is organized according to the following sections: (1) SSIP Phase III Overview and Requirements; (2) Kicking off Phase III; (3) Implementing the Improvement Plan; (4) Evaluating Implementation Process and Outcomes; (5) Communicating Implementation Progress and Outcomes; (6) Making Adjustments in the Improvement and Evaluation Plans; (7) Tools and Resources; and (8) Key Terms.