FPG Publications Roundup—Summer and Fall 2024
Each year, dedicated scientists, specialists, scholars, staff, and faculty fellows at the UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute (FPG) produce dozens of new publications including books and book chapters, journal articles, online learning publications, reports and policy briefs, technical assistance guides, and many other resources. FPG's dedication to both research and outreach is embodied in our motto: Advancing knowledge to transform children's lives.
We are committed to sharing the information we generate with the public and to supporting professionals' understanding and use of evidence-based practices. We want to ensure that parents, educators, and other professionals who support children and families benefit from our work in a timely manner.
Below is a list of some of our most recent publications—we encourage you to click through to learn more about the amazing work being done here at FPG. And for a full listing of our publications, please visit our publications page.
- Building Equitable Research and Evaluation Practices in the Educare Learning Network
- Who, When, Where, and Why: A Systematic Review of “Late Diagnosis” in Autism
- Practical, Economic, and Policy Implications of the Leve et al. Paper
- Early adolescents’ ethnic–racial identity in relation to longitudinal growth in perspective taking
- Sex differences in early childhood education intervention impacts on cognitive outcomes
- A Socioecological Systems Framework of Employment for Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- (Re)Conceptualizing STEM Learning and Teaching for Young Children With Disabilities
- Critical Issues in Measuring and Teaching Social Problem-solving in Early Childhood Research
- Special Issue: Advancing the science to prevent early childhood expulsion
- The Autism Program Environment Rating Scale in Swedish Primary School: Cultural Adaptation and Content Validation
- A Just Recovery: Weathering the Storm in Freedmen’s Town: An Exploration of Residents’ Cultural Resilience Through Defiance
- Centering Students’ Voices on School Counseling Support
- Actualizing Division for Early Childhood’s Racial Equity Point of View Within Our Resource System
- Reporting and Analyzing Demographics in U.S.-American Early STEM Intervention Literature: A Systematic Review
- A Survey and Content Analysis of the Quality of Behavior Guidance Policies in Tennessee Early Childhood Programs
- A Comparison of Three Executive Function Batteries in a Preschool-Aged Sample