FPG's Implementation Capacity for Triple P (ICTP) project builds on the evaluation activities of a predecessor project, the Triple P Implementation Evaluation (TPIE), and encompasses activities in both North and South Carolina.
In North Carolina, the project (NCIC-TP) has unfolded under three main activities. First, in 2016, the ICTP team continued to evaluate the scale-up of the Triple P - Positive Parenting Program system of interventions (Triple P) in Mecklenburg and Cabarrus counties. Additional evaluation activities included qualitative interviews with state, county, and agency implementation leaders and support staff to learn more about initial evaluation findings and to determine important contextual factors, system partner behaviors, and local decision points influencing the development of implementation capacity and infrastructure to support Triple P.
Second, the ICTP team developed implementation support plans and quality improvement tools that can be used by local North Carolina counties and statewide partners to support the effective and sustainable scale-up of Triple P. The development and dissemination of implementation support plans involved consultation with key partners already supporting Triple P in North Carolina to ensure the usability of plans and tools, and regional workshops for North Carolina counties and statewide partners to make effective use of the plans and tools.
Currently, the ICTP team is demonstrating the utility of implementation support plans and quality improvement tools by providing active implementation support to local Triple P leaders and implementation teams in the Wake County Triple P Coalition and the Madison/Buncombe Regional Triple P Cluster. In addition, the ICTP team, in collaboration with statewide partners, is working with an intermediary agency, Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina, to build their capacity to expand and sustain a full range of intermediary support for North Carolina counties scaling-up Triple P. Beyond these site-based activities, the ICTP team is providing implementation science and best practices guidance and consultation to statewide Triple P leaders. The team is also developing eLearning products and implementation tools and measures to enhance learning and implementation resources for partners across North Carolina.