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News Archive

March 12, 2014
Teaching independence to adolescents with autism can provide a crucial boost to their chances for success after high school. . .
March 6, 2014
Georgia’s Pre-K Program produces significant positive outcomes for children, regardless of family income level or English language skills...
March 5, 2014
An innovative program from UNC’s Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute (FPG) and 6 partner universities is preparing students with autism for life after high school . . .
February 28, 2014
FPG senior scientist retired Mary Ruth Coleman delivered the keynote address at the 40th annual conference for the North Carolina Association for the Gifted and Talented...
February 25, 2014
Governor Pat McCrory has appointed 23 new members to the North Carolina Early Childhood Advisory Council...
February 14, 2014
Registration for three special pre-Institute workshops, held in conjunction with the 2014 National Early Childhood Inclusion Institute, is now open...
February 10, 2014
The introduction to "From Research to Practice: Professional Development, Technical Assistance, and Implementation Science" draws from Dr. James J. Gallagher's visionary article in the Roeper Review...
January 29, 2014
“Last year, I asked this Congress to help states make high-quality pre-k available to every 4-year-old, and as a parent, as well as a President, I repeat that request tonight.”
January 28, 2014
Parent-child interactions influence whether a high-achieving African American boy stays on course.
January 27, 2014
Typically about 140-160 participants from more than 20 states attend CRIEI, and FPG scientists again will play an integral role in the programming...
January 27, 2014
Seven top special education researchers have developed, vetted, and piloted new standards for determining evidence-based practices in special education...
January 23, 2014
This 2.5-hour course teaches how to build trusting family-professional partnerships...
January 20, 2014
Former FPG director James J. Gallagher, an internationally recognized expert on special education and gifted education, died on Friday at the age of 87...
January 17, 2014
Scientists at FPG screened 29,000 articles about autism spectrum disorders (ASD) to locate the soundest research on interventions for children from birth to age 22...
January 16, 2014
Transition practices are an intentional set of activities that promote communication between sending and receiving teachers or programs, engage families in collaborative planning, and support the preparation and adjustment of children and families...
January 7, 2014
Sometimes professional development involves moments of great revelation...
January 7, 2014
Purposeful implementation is crucial, and implementation science is the field well-equipped to replace "Just Do It!" approaches.
January 7, 2014
For over 42 years, FPG has been committed to providing TA services: helping people do whatever it is they’re trying to do more efficiently and more effectively.
January 2, 2014
"Implementing Evidence-Based Prevention Programs: Implications for Policymakers in Congress and Elsewhere" is a Congressional Briefing on wide-scale implementation of well-established programs...
