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Women with young boy
July 24, 2017
The National Clearinghouse on Autism Evidence and Practice opened on April 25 in honor of National Autism Awareness Month...
July 17, 2017
Literacy coaches based at UNC use webcams to deliver real-time feedback and support to classroom teachers while they deliver instructional sessions to struggling readers...
July 11, 2017
“The NC Pre-K Program has enhanced children’s language development, communication skills, cognitive development, and social and emotional development...”
June 21, 2017
The oral storytelling skills of African American preschoolers make a difference in how quickly their reading skills develop...
June 21, 2017
A delegation from Singapore that included the country’s Minister for Social and Family Development traveled to Chapel Hill last month to meet with FPG scientists...
Adult and a child writing on paper
June 20, 2017
A pioneering literacy project is making it possible for teachers in Bertie County to receive live webcam coaching to help struggling readers...
June 17, 2017
Two hundred respected researchers, policymakers, and practitioners participated in FPG's conference to envision and enable better outcomes for young children...
May 30, 2017
Disruptions in child care negatively affect children’s social development...
James J. Gallagher
May 5, 2017
The Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute is inviting friends, colleagues, and others to join a special ceremony honoring the life and legacy of Dr. James J. Gallagher...
May 4, 2017
Ximena Franco talked about the benefits of bilingualism, as well as her work at FPG with dual-language learners and immersion Schools...
May 3, 2017
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of landmark legislation for the field, Christina Kasprzak and Joan Danaher explain how FPG’s Trohanis TA Projects have shaped technical assistance...
May 3, 2017
Over the past year, FPGers across all phases of their careers and with all manner of responsibilities have continued to garner recognition...
Adults sitting in a circle with hands joined together
May 2, 2017
Opening Day activities at the 2017 National Early Childhood Inclusion Institute include the keynote address from inclusion pioneer Janice Fialka, as well as the popular annual federal and national panel of experts...
April 30, 2017
This symposium aims to identify expertise in a family of improvement approaches that will coalesce in a strategic campus-wide effort...
April 17, 2017
FPG's "Progressive Lunch" focused on Local Community Organizations Supporting Individuals on the Autism Spectrum...
April 12, 2017
Experts discuss a report urging policy changes to support efforts to improve reading proficiency among K-3 students...
April 7, 2017
New findings from the Abecedarian Project show that high-quality early education later leads to increased likelihood of full-time employment, more assets, better relationships with parents, and more...
April 3, 2017
With an innovative online course, FPG’s FirstSchool project is helping teachers hear every child in class...
March 23, 2017
"The Journal for the Education of the Gifted" has awarded FPG's Mary Ruth Coleman and her co-author "Paper of the Year" for an article in tribute to James J. Gallagher...
